
GO:0002481 biological_process antigen processing and presentation of exogenous protein antigen via MHC class Ib, TAP-dependent

PAG Title GO:0002481 biological_process antigen processing and presentation of exogenous protein antigen via MHC class Ib, TAP-dependent
PAG ID TAX014265
Type A
Source Link GOA
Publication Reference NA
PAG Description The process in which an antigen-presenting cell expresses a peptide antigen of exogenous origin on its cell surface in association with an MHC class Ib protein complex following intracellular transport via a TAP (transporter associated with antigen processing) pathway. The peptide is typically a fragment of a larger exogenous protein which has been degraded within the cell and is dependent on TAP transport from the cytosol to ER for association with the MHC class Ib molecule. Class Ib here refers to non-classical class I molecules, such as those of the HLA-E gene family.
Species Homo sapiens
Quality Metric Scores nCoCo Score: 0
Information Content Poor
Other IDs GO:0002481
Base PAG ID TAX014265
Human Phenotyte Annotation
Curator PAGER curation team
Curator Contact PAGER-contact@googlegroups.com
Gene ID Gene symbol Gene name RP_score
Gene A Gene B Source SCORE

Gene A Gene B Mechanism Source
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